November 3, 2011

Loop Raccord on IndieCade

"Loop Raccord" was a finalist for the IndieCade independent games festival. I wasn´t able to assist but, fortunately, the great Clara Fernández Vara was there in representation of mine and Staring Goat Games, making it possible to show the game to a numerous and enthusiastic audience and taking the time to shoot this fantastic pictures of the event.

October 24, 2011

Loop Raccord in La Gaîté Lyrique

"Loop Raccord" makes part of a selection of experimental videogames curated by the  Kokoromi and Tag  collectives which will be exhibited in  "La Gaîté Lyrique"  digital art center, which is located in the center of Paris.

September 15, 2011

Loop Raccord IndieCade finalist

"Loop Raccord" is a finalist in the  "IndieCade"  independent games festival in Culver City, California.  

August 31, 2011

Indie Cade Raccord Sniper feedback

Some months ago I entered my game Raccord Sniper in the IndieCade festival. Today I recieved an e-mail informing me that my game was not selected. With the note there were some feedback messages form the jurors. Between some constructive feedback I recieved the most surrealistic response to my game I could imagine. I can´t believe that somebody could seriously think that this game was financed by Ikea! I never thought of explaining that I took without permission the images from the catalogues. I pasted the original message below.  

July 6, 2011

Work in progress...

I´m currently preparing what will be my most complicated and ambicious experimental videogame project. I don´t expect to have it finished anytime soon. Meanwhile, I let here some provisional concept art made by my good friend Valerio Vidali.

June 25, 2011

IGF judges´s feedback

Just recieved a little bit of feedback from the Independent Games Festival judges for my game "Loop Raccord". I apprecieate it and it made me laugh. Here´s a "best of ":  

June 8, 2011

Folderworld on L´Oujevipo

A very generous and exhaustive review of "Folderworld" has just been published on the independent games blog "L´Oujevipo". It´s in french. 

Folderworld review on L´Oujevipo (in french)

May 14, 2011

Loop Raccord on "Game On" exhibition in Buenos Aires

The great Daniel Benmergui has given me the honor to be part of his selection of experimental games for the exhibition "Game On!" which took place at Buenos Aires between the 5th and the 8th of May. My game "Loop Raccord" shared space with "Tuning" by  Cactus"Judith" by Stephen Lavelle and Terry Cavanagh"The Sense of Connectedness" by Michael Brough  and "Vestigios" a game made specifically for the event by Agustín Perez Fernández, also known as Tembac.

May 4, 2011

Motion Columns on L´Oujevipo

The loyalty which shows Pierre Corbinais, from  "L´Oujevipo", when writing about each one of my games is a very flattering thing. It is always a pleasure and a nice surprise to discover that he already has written a review of my last game. Thank you so much for your support, Pierre! 

Motion Columns review on L'Oujevipo (in french)

May 2, 2011

Raccord Sniper review on Gaming Daily

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon this reviw of my game "Raccord Sniper" on "Gaming Daily". Without a doubt, this is the best review of any of my games I got so far. It has it all: some critic, some flattering comments and most of all, lots of humour. No other review has made me laugh so much and I think that just the fact of having inspired this article has made worthwhile the moth of development this game costed me. 

Raccord Sniper review on Gaming Daily

April 21, 2011


It was a great honor being a finalist for the "Nuovo Award" this year in the Independent Games Festival in San Francisco. It was really interesting to be able to see the reactions towards my game "Loop Raccord". Seeing how some people didn´t even dare to come close to the game while others understood it really fast and showed some astonishing video-editing aptitudes. It was also a fantastic oportunity to meet some really nice people.